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You are concerned about the well-being of
your collaborators?
Discover Yoga at work

Offer your employees a bubble of serenity revitalizing in their daily life
Grace yoga practice.
The Yoga classes offered by Poetik Yoga have been specially designed for a personalized practice according to the needs of your employees.
A preliminary free interview allows the implementation of a roadmap to allow the prevention and relief of work-related physical and/or psychological health problems.
All Sessions are plannable face-to-face or online
Some examples of practice focus:
well-being muscular :
Gentle exercises accessible to all on all the muscles of the body
(relief of muscle tension and back problems...)
well-being back :
Postures that prevent and correct postural problems
(back pain, neck and shoulder tension, etc.)
Well-being of mental
Guided breathing and visualization to calm the mind
(prevention of intellectual fatigue and burn-out)
Formats available (in video or face-to-face, in French and/or English)
- Yoga class of 30 to 45 minutes
- Teambuildings
- Yoga break (meetings, launch reviews...)
- Company well-being day

The benefits for the company:
appeasement stress-related tension
Improved focus
Increase in well-being at work
Prevention and relief of posture defects and MSDs
Quotation on request at
06 72 29 34 66 or
Also discover Remote Mindfulness©
the alliance of Yoga and Power Sessions to boost the productivity and well-being of your employees
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